Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lady Luck Hit Me In The Head With A Stick & Now I'm Going To See Ash

Hey everyone! Yes, I know, I've been gone a looonnnggg time. I would still be gone for a while longer, but something really cool happened to me on Friday, after I had been having the worst week at work of my whole life. And, no, that isn't an exaggeration - worst week ever! Anyway, I had heard that the Irish band, Ash were in SA and the lead singer Tim Wheeler was being interviewed on the radio on Friday afternoon. I decided to call in, because I have been a huge fan since 1996 and I just wanted to tell him how much his music has meant to me. So, I finally get on the radio to chat with him and I'm telling him how much I love their music & how hardly anyone in this country knows their music, which is a travesty. So he's telling me to spread the word & so on. Then Tim asks me if I'm coming to the show & I say unfortunately not, because I live in Durban & the show is in Johannesburg (6 hour car drive, 1 hour plane flight away). Next thing, DJ Fresh pipes up & says "Well, since this girl is such a big fan of yours, if I fly her up here, will you give her a ticket to the show?", so Tim says OF COURSE! Next thing I know, I'm being put on hold so that they can get my details and now, after all that, they are flying myself & a friend up for the show on Wednesday night. Free plane tickets, free accommodation & free show tickets! HOLY SHIT! I just can't get my head around it! NOTHING like this has EVER happened to me before. And there wasn't even a competition going on. My mind is officially blown! So anyway, here are some of my favorite Ash songs for your enjoyment. Check out Orpheus first, it's amazing! Then Shining Light - Annie Lennox did a cover of it, you know. Oh, and by the way, expect some news about the blog soon. xoxo


Girl From Mars

Kung Fu

Oh Yeah

Angel Interceptor

Shining Light

Burn Baby Burn



Renegade Cavalcade


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! A million congratulations, that is freakin awesome, so happy for you!!!